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Nouhra, Eduardo Ramón


Investigador Independiente CONICET. Profesor Asistente UNC

E-mail: enouhra@gmail.com

Título: Biólogo y Dr. en Ciencias Biológicas

Área: SISTEMÁTICA, TAXONOMÍA Y FLORÍSTICA. Línea de Investigación: Micología

Resumen de proyecto de investigación

Investigaciones orientadas al estudio de la diversidad de especies y aspectos filogenéticos, biogeográficos y ecológicos de varios linajes de hongos ectomicorricicos ( Basidiomycota y Ascomycota), en particular hongos hipogeos y sus interacciones con la vegetación y con animales que actúan como vectores de dispersión. El área de estudio abarca ecosistemas nativos y exóticos, del centro norte y sur del país, en particular los bosques de Nothofagus, y Alnus, entre otros.

Publicaciones (últimos cinco años)

HERNÁNDEZ CAFFOT M, BROIERO X, FERNÁNDEZ M, SILVERA RUIZ L, CRESPO E, NOUHRA E. 2016. Gasteroid mycobiota (Agaricales, Geastrales and Phallales) from the Espinal forest from Argentina. Mycotaxon, 130. Q2-Q3 (0.5)

WICAKSONO C Y, AGUIRRE GUITERREZ J, NOUHRA E, PASTOR N, RAES N, PACHECO S, GEML J. 2016. «Contracting montane cloud forests: a case study of the Andean alder (Alnus acuminata) and associated fungi in the Yungas». Biotropica 49(2): 1–12 (2.09).

SULZBACHER MA, GREBENC T, GIACHINI AJ, BASEIA IG, NOUHRA ER. 2016. Hypogeous sequestrate fungi in South America – how much do we know about them? Symbiosis. DOI 10.1007/s13199-016-0461-4 (1.925)

URCELAY C, LONGO S, GEML J, TECCO P, NOUHRA E. 2017. Climate or suitable Ectomycorrhizal symbionts constrain pine expansion at long distances in an altitudinal gradient. Fungal Ecology. 25: 50-58 (3.990).

SOTERAS F, IBARRA C, GEML J, BARRIOS GARCIA N, DOMINGUEZ L, Y NOUHRA E. 2017. Mycophagy by invasive wild boar (Sus scrofa) facilitates dispersal of native and introduced mycorrhizal fungi in Patagonia, Argentina. Fungal Ecology 26: 51-58 (3.990).

KUMAR L, SMITH M, NOUHRA E, ORIHARA T,SANDOVAL LEIVA P, PFISTER D, MCLAUGHLIN D, TRAPPE J, HEALY R. 2017. A molecular and morphological re-examination of the generic limits of truffles in the tarzetta-geopyxis lineage – Densocarpa, Hydnocystis, and Paurocotylis. Fungal Biology.121 (3): 264-284 (2.699).


SWENIE R, SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA M, MATHENY B, SMITH M. 2017. How to know the fungi: combining field inventories and DNA-barcoding to document fungal diversity. New Phytologist, 214: 913–919 (7.299).

KUHAR F, SMITH M, MUJIC A, TRUONG C, NOUHRA E. 2017. A systematic overview of Descolea (Agaricales) in the Nothofagaceae forests of Patagonia. Fungal Biology, 121(10): 876-889 (2.699).

HEALY R, PFISTER DH, MUJIC A, TORRES D, NOUHRA E, FURCI G, SMITH M. 2017. Pseudotricharina lanigera (Pezizales), a new species from the Patagonian region of Argentina. Ascomycete.org, 9 (4): 135-138

NOUHRA E, SOTERAS F, PASTOR N, GEML J. 2018. Richness, community composition and functional groups of Agaricomycetes along a vegetation and altitudinal gradient in the Andean Yungas of Argentina. Biodiversity and Conservation, 8: 1849-1871, DOI: 10.1007/s10531-018-1512-3 (3.080).

SAN-FABIAN B, NISKANEN T, LIIMATAINEN K, KOOIJ PW, MUJIC AB, TRUONG C, PEINTNER U, DRESCH P, NOUHRA E, MATHENY B, SMITH ME. 2018. New species of Cortinarius sect. Austroamericani, sect. nov., from South American Nothofagaceae forests, Mycologia, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1515449 (2.58).

PASTOR N, CHAIPELLA J, KUHAR F, MUJIR A, CRESPO E, NOUHRA R. 2019. Unveiling new sequestrate Cortinarius species from northern Patagonian Nothofagaceae forests based on molecular and morphological data, Mycologia, 111:1, 103-117, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1537350 (2.58).

KRAISITUDOMSOOK N, HEALY RA, MUJIC AB, PFISTER DH, NOUHRA ER & SMITH ME. 2019. Systematic study of truffles in the genus Ruhlandiella, with the description of two new species from Patagonia, Mycologia, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2019.1574490 (2.58).

SULZBACHER M, GREBENC T, NOUHRA E, GIACHINI A, MARTÍN M, BASEIA I. 2019. Hysterangium atlanticum sp. nov., forms ectomycorrhizae with Coccoloba species (Polygonaceae) from the Atlantic rainforest of Northeastern Brazil. Symbiosis, 78:1-19.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s13199-019-00617-3. (1.925)

KUHAR F, TRUONG C, E. SMITH M, MATHENY B & NOUHRA E.  2019. Molecular and morphological evidence place Pholiota psathyrelloides from Patagonia within the ectomycorrhizal genus Psathyloma (Agaricales), New Zealand Journal of Botany, DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.2019.1649288 (0.92).

KRAISITUDOMSOOK N, HEALY R, PFISTER D, TRUONG C, NOUHRA E, KUHAR F, MUJIC A, TRAPPE J, SMITH M. 2020. Resurrecting the genus Geomorium: Systematic study of fungi in the genera Underwoodia and Gymnohydnotrya (Pezizales) with the description of three new South American species. Persoonia 44: 98–112. https://doi.org/10.3767/persoonia.2020.44.04 (6.860).

LIIMATAINEN K, NISKANEN T, SAN-FABIAN B, MUJIC AB, PEINTNER U, DRESCH P, FURCI G, NOUHRA E, MATHENY B, SMITH ME. 2020. Cortinarius section Thaumasti in South American Nothofagaceae forests. Mycologia DOI:10.1080/00275514.2019.1689763. (2.58).

LONGO S, NOUHRA E, TECCO P, URCELAY C. 2019. Functional stability of mycorrhizal interactions in woody natives and aliens facing fire disturbance. Plant Ecol https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-020-01014-3 (2.300).

Capítulos de libro

NOUHRA E.R., PALFNER G., KUHAR F., PASTOR N., SMITH M.E. (2019) Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in South America: Their Diversity in Past, Present and Future Research. In: Pagano M., Lugo M. (eds) Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America. Fungal Biology. Springer, Cham
