Investigadora Adjunta CONICET. Profesora Asistente (FCEFyN-UNC)
Títulos: Bióloga, Dra. en Ciencias Biológicas
Área: ECOLOGÍA. Línea de Investigación: Ecología Vegetal y Fitogeografía
Resumen de proyecto de investigación
Los proyectos en los cuales trabajo junto a mis colegas de equipo se refieren a las causas de establecimiento y expansión de especies exóticas leñosas en los sistemas serranos del Centro de Argentina.
Publicaciones (a agosto de 2020)
Artículos en revistas científicas
- Tecco PA& Rougès M (2001). Sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) invades old-growth subtropical montane forest, but is it worth removing? (Argentina). Ecological Restoration, 18 (1): 52-53.
- Urcelay C, Tecco PA& Chiarini F (2005). Micorrizas arbusculares del tipo ‘Arum’ y ‘Paris’ en Miconia ioneura y Tibouchinia paratropica (Melastomataceae). Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, vol. 40 (3-4): 151-155.
- Gurvich DE, Tecco PA & Díaz S. (2005). Plant invasion in undisturbed ecosystems: The triggering attribute approach. Journal of Vegetation Science, 16: 723-728.
- Tecco PA, Gurvich DE, Díaz S, Pérez-Harguindeguy N & Cabido M (2006). Positive interaction between invasive plants: the influence of Pyracantha angustifoliaon the recruitment of native and exotic woody species. Austral Ecology, 31: 293-300.
- Tecco PA, Díaz S, Gurvich DE, Pérez-Harguindeguy N, Cabido M & Bertone GA (2007). Experimental evidence of positive association between exotic woody species: Facilitation by Pyracantha angustifoliaon Ligustrum lucidum sapling survival. Applied Vegetation Science, 10: 211-218
- Giantomasi A., Tecco PA., Funes G., Gurvich DE. & Cabido M. (2008). Canopy effects of the invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia on seedbank composition, richness and density in a montane shrubland (Córdoba, Argentina). Austral Ecology, 33: 68-77.
- Cingolani AM, Renison D, Tecco PA, Gurvich DE, Cabido M. (2008). Predicting cover types in a mountain range with long evolutionary grazing history: a GIS approach. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 538-551.
- TeccoPA, Díaz S, Cabido M & Urcelay C (2010). Functional traits of alien plants across contrasting climatic and land-use regimes: do aliens join the locals or try harder than them? Journal of Ecology, 98: 17-27.
- Hoyos L, Gavier-Pizarro GI, Kuemmerle T, Bucher EH, Radeloff VC & Tecco PA(2010). Invasion of glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) and native forest loss in the Sierras Chicas of Córdoba, Argentina. Biological Invasions, 12: 3261–3275.
- De Miguel JM., Casado MA., Del Pozo A, Ovalle C, Moreno-Casasola P, Travieso-Bello AC, Barrera M, Ricardo N, Tecco PA& Acosta B. (2010). How reproductive, vegetative and defensive strategies of Mediterranean grassland species respond to a grazing intensity gradient. Plant Ecology, 210: 97-110.
- Giorgis MA,Tecco PA, Cingolani AM, Renison D, Marcora P & Paiaro V (2011). Factors associated with woody alien species distribution in a newly invaded mountain system of central Argentina. Biological Invasions 13: 1423-1434.
- Giorgis MA, Cingolani AM, Chiarini F, Chiapella J, Barboza G, Ariza Espinar L, Morero R, Gurvich DE, Tecco PA, Subils R & Cabido M. (2011). Composición florística del Bosque Chaqueño Serrano de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Kurtziana 36 (1): 9-43.
- Pais Bosch AI, TeccoPA, Funes G & Cabido M (2012). Efecto de la temperatura en la regeneración de especies leñosas del Chaco Serrano e implicancias en la distribución actual y potencial de bosques. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 47 (3-4): 401-410.
- TeccoPA, Ferreras A.E., Gurvich DE & Funes G (2012). Similarities in recruitment but differences in persistence in two related native and invasive trees: relevance of regenerative and vegetative attributes. Australian Journal of Botany 60 (4): 368-377
- TeccoPA, Urcelay C, Díaz D, Cabido M & Perez-Harguindeguy (2013). Contrasting functional trait syndromes underlay woody alien success in the same ecosystem. Austral Ecology 38, 443–451.
- Marcora PI, Renison D, País-Bosch AI, Cabido M &Tecco PA (2013). The effect of altitude and grazing on seedling establishment of woody species in central Argentina: an experimental approach. Forest Ecology and Management 291: 300-307.
- Furey C., Tecco PA., Perez-Harguindeguy N, Giorgis M & Grossi M. (2014). The importance of native and exotic plant identity and dominance on decomposition patterns in mountain woodlands of central Argentina. Acta Oecologica54, 13–20
- Cingolani AM , Vaieretti MV, Giorgis MA., Poca M, Tecco PA and Gurvich DE (2014). Can livestock grazing maintain landscape diversity and stability in an ecosystem that evolved with wild herbivores? Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics16, 143-153.
- Zeballos SR, Tecco PA, Cabido M & Gurvich DE (2014). Composición de especies leñosas en comunidades invadidas en montañas del centro de Argentina: su relación con factores ambientales locales. Revista de Biología Tropical 62: 1549-1563.
- Giorgis Melisa A. & TeccoPA (2014). Árboles y arbustos invasores de la Provincia de Córdoba (Argentina): Una contribución a la sistematización de bases de datos globales. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 49 (4): 581-603.
- Ferreras AE, Giorgis MA, Tecco PA; Cabido MR & Funes G (2015) Impact of Ligustrum lucidumon the soil seed bank in invaded subtropical seasonally dry woodlands (Córdoba, Argentina). Biological Invasions, 217, 3547-3561.
- Tecco PA,Pais-Bosch AI, Funes G, Marcora P, Zeballos SR, Cabido M & Urcelay C (2016). Mountain invasions on the way: are there climatic constraints for the expansion of alien woody species along an elevation gradient in Argentina? Journal of Plant Ecology, 9 (4): 380-392
- Giorgis, MA, Cingolani, AM, Tecco, PA, Cabido, M, Poca, M, von Wehrden H (2016). Testing alien plant distribution and habitat invasibility in mountain ecosystems: growth form matters. Biological Invasions18 (7) 2017–2028
- Gurvich DE, Tecco PA, Díaz S. (2016). Response to Vergara et al. (2015)—Fruiting phenology as a ‘‘triggering attribute’’ of invasion process: Do invasive species take advantage of seed dispersal service provided by native birds? Biological Invasions, 18 (10): 2773–2774.
- Marcora PI, Tecco PA, Zeballos SR, and Hensen I (2017). Influence of altitude on local adaptation in upland tree species from central Argentina. Plant Biology,19, 123-131.
- Urcelay C, Longo S, Geml J, Tecco PA, Nouhra E. (2017) Co-invasive exotic pines and their ectomycorrhizal symbionts show capabilities for wide distance and altitudinal range expansion. Fungal Ecology, 25: 50–58
- Giorgis MA, Cingolani AM, Gurvich DE, Tecco PA, Chiapella J, Chiarini F & Cabido M (2017).Changes in floristic composition and physiognomy are decoupled along elevation gradients in central Argentina» Applied Vegetation Science, 20: 558–571
- Marcora PI, Ferreras AE, Zeballos SR, Funes G, Longo S, Urcelay C & Tecco PA(2018). Context‑dependent effects of fire and browsing on woody alien invasion in mountain ecosystems. Oecologia, 188 (2): 479-490.
- Urcelay C, Longo S., Geml J, Tecco PA.(2019) Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from non-invaded montane ecosystems facilitate the growth of alien trees? Mycorrhiza 29 (1): 39-49.
- Spalazzi F, Tecco PA& Funes G. (2019). Overcoming lag phase: Do regenerative attributes onset Acacia dealbata spread in a newly invaded system? Australian Journal of Botany 67, 46–54.
- Ferreras AE, Whitworth-Hulsea JI, Tecco PA, Marcora PI, Funes G (2019). Environmental constraints to native woody species recruitment in invaded mountain woodlands of central Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management440, 189–201.
- Moreschi, EG., Funes, G, Zeballos, SR, & Tecco, PA(2019). Post-burning germination responses of woody invaders in a fire-prone ecosystem. Austral Ecology 44, 1163–1173.
- Longo S, Nouhra E, Tecco PA,& Urcelay C (2020). Functional stability of mycorrhizal interactions in woody natives and aliens facing fire disturbance. Plant Ecology 221, 321–331.
- Tapella MP, Marcora PI, Tecco PA (2020). Reciprocal interactions between a non-native shrub and the dominant native trees of a high mountain woodland: who benefits? Biological Invasions (aceptado).
Capítulos en libros científicos
- Tecco PA& Rougès M. (2000). El naranjo agrio (Citrus aurantium) exótica invasora de bosques maduros. En: Ecología de árboles exóticos de las Yungas argentinas (H.R. Grau & R. Aragón Eds.). LIEY, Tucumán, Argentina. Pp: 37-45.
- Díaz S, Lavorel S, Chapin FS III, Tecco PA, Gurvich DE & Grigulis K(2007). Functional diversity – at the crossroads between ecosystem functioning and environmental filters. In: Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World (Canadell J., Pitelka LF. & Pataki D. Eds.). Chapter 7, pp. 81-91. The IGBP Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-540-32729-5 (Print) 978-3-540-32730-1 (Online).
- Urcelay C, Tecco PA, Pérez M, Grilli G, Longo MS and Battistella R (2012). Mycorrhizal status and responsiveness of early successional communities from Chaquean Region in Central Argentina. In: Mycorrhiza: Occurrence and Role in Aquatic and Riparian Environments. Pagano MC (ed.) Chapter 8, pp. 147-163. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-1-61209-226-3
- Urcelay C., Tecco P.A., Borda V., Longo S. (2019) Latitudinal Distribution of Mycorrhizal Types in Native and Alien Trees in Montane Ecosystems from Southern South America. In: Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America(Pagano M., Lugo M. eds.) Chapter 2, pp 29-48 Fungal Biology. Springer, Cham (DOI
Publicaciones didácticas docentes
- Giorgis MA, Tecco PA, Marcora P., Cingolani AM, Paiaro V. & Renison D. (2006). Las invasiones biológicas y su problemática ambiental. Manual para docentes de nivel medio e inicial. (Convenio de donación Banco Mundial TF-028372-AR – Global Environmental Facility – Administración de Parques Nacionales). 31 Pp.
- Giorgis MA, Tecco PA, Marcora P., Cingolani AM, Paiaro V. & Renison D. (2006). “Las invasoras”, historieta sobre las invasiones biológicas y su problemática ambiental. (Convenio de donación Banco Mundial TF-028372-AR – Global Environmental Facility – Administración de Parques Nacionales). 47 Pp.
- TeccoPA & Giorgis ME (2015). Las plantas invasoras: una amenaza para los ecosistemas de Córdoba. Capítulo 5 (145-164). En: Retos para la enseñanza de la biodiversidad hoy. Aportes para la formación docente. (Bermudez & Longhi Eds.) 390 páginas. ISBN: 978-987-707-003-3.